Thursday, February 7, 2019

My First Hermit Thrush and My Big Year

My First Hermit Thrush

Here in Ohio, the weather has been absolutely crazy. One day we will have several inches of snow and the next it is 68 degrees. It has been such a strange year, but I have been lucky and have had a few birds show up at my feeders that I rarely see.

My Little Visitor
On February 1st, it was one of our snowy days. There was a constant stream of birds at the feeder. I bundled up and headed outside to try to get a couple good shots. I was hiding next to the steps that come down off of our deck. I snapped picture after picture and was able to get some good pictures, but the cold was really starting to get to me. I told myself to hang in there for just a few more minutes and that’s when the Hermit Thrush showed up. I was so happy I waited.

When it landed in the bush next to the platform feeder, I think it startled both of us. It looked at me and I stared at it. I had no idea what it was. I finally got my head out of the sand and snapped off a couple of pictures. They weren’t the greatest, but I was happy to get them.

At first, I thought that it had to be a wood thrush or maybe a brown thrasher, but neither of them winters in this area. Hmmm….what could it be? I pulled out my trusty Merlin Bird ID app. and there it was the Hermit Thrush. It says that it is uncommon in this area. I don’t know how accurate that is, but I know I haven’t seen one before and I haven’t seen one since.

 A Big Year Birding Journal

My Personal Big Year
I decided that I was going to do a personal big year. Every year I begin to write down all of the species I see and keep track of their comings and goings. But, I usually give up before January is even over. This year I have kept track every single day. I purchased A Big Year spiral notebook and I keep it close to my back door. This helps me to keep it up to date. I’ve managed to see 37 different species so far, and that’s not bad since most of them have been at my house. During these cold weird winter months, I don’t like to get out much. The weather is just depressing.

So far I have seen:
  1. American Crow
  2. American Goldfinch
  3. Bald Eagle
  4. Black-Capped Chickadee
  5. Blue Jay
  6. Brown Creeper
  7. Canada Goose
  8. Carolina Chickadee
  9. Carolina Wren
  10. Chipping Sparrow
  11. Dark-Eyed Junco
  12. Downy Woodpecker
  13. Eastern Bluebird
  14. Eastern Towhee
  15. European Starling
  16. Golden -Crowned Kinglet
  17. Hairy Woodpecker
  18. Hermit Thrush
  19. House Finch
  20. House Sparrow
  21. Mallard Duck
  22. Mourning Dove
  23. Mute Swan
  24. Northern Cardinal
  25. Northern Flicker
  26. Pileated Woodpecker
  27. Purple Finch
  28. Red-Bellied Woodpecker
  29. Red-Tailed Hawk
  30. Ring-Billed Gull
  31. Rock Pigeon
  32. Song Sparrow
  33. Tufted Titmouse
  34. White-Breasted Nuthatch
  35. White-Throated Sparrow
  36. Wild Turkey
  37. Yellow-Bellied Sapsucker

 Birding Journals

The checklist reports there are 434 total species to be seen in Ohio. So, I have quite a few more to see. After having a couple 60+ degree days outside I am already having spring fever set in. I know it will be here before we know it, but that still isn’t soon enough. Here shortly though, in just a few weeks, the waterfowl will start returning. That will give me something to look forward too, and some more checkmarks on my Ohio Birding list.

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